
Jacob Kazungu
Candidate CV questions (extra)
Konjora Primary School in Kilifi, Sokoke Secondary School In Kilifi, Karatina University in Nyeri, Pwani University in Kilifi and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
BSc in Environmental Studies (Environmental Health and Biology), Post graduate Diploma in Health Research Methods and MPH
Work History:
2015: Case Manager at KOMAZA Kenya, 2016: Postgraduate diploma student/Intern at KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme (KWTPR), 2017: Assistant Research Officer at KWTPR, 2019: Research Officer
Current Job:
Research Officer
KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme
Favourite thing to do in my job: Doing fieldwork and data analysis.
About Me
A health economist, Mentor, an Environmentalist at Heart and The Duke of Kilifi..
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I am an ambitious, friendly and God-fearing person highly interested in making everyone have access to good quality healthcare irrespective of whether they are rich or poor. My favourite hobby is cooking. I am adventurous, and always in harmony with nature. My friends call me The Duke of Kilifi.
My work
I do health economics research
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My work involves research aimed at informing/influencing policies that will make all people gain access to good quality health services without making them poorer. It involves understanding the socioeconomic related inequalities in health (such as inequalities in child mortality), effective ways to generate, pool and utilise financial resources for health and understanding how and why people make certain decisions (for example why people would want to go to a private hospital and not a public hospital). All this is aimed at making different stakeholders make informed decisions that are aligned with health systems goals.
My Typical Day
Development of study tools or data collection or data analysis or reading papers or writting a paper or doing a presenting.....Its never a routine!!
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My days at work are never a routine. I might be reading articles to understand further about a topic or performing data analysis. Also, I might be out in the field collecting data or behind my computer writting a manuscript for publication. I might also be doing a number of these activities on any typical day.
What I'd do with the money
Give it back to a few schools that I will choose.
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I will visit each of the schools to see whether it has a science-related club and if not help them establish one. Get ideas from the students on what they would like to spend the money on and I choose the best idea. Kind of a bottom up approach!!
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Ambitious, Friendly, Trustworthy
What was your favourite subject at school?
What did you want to be after you left school?
Probably a Doctor
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Yes! I forced myself into the kitchen and served the teachers' meat because I had missed meat. I had to dig a six feet pit.
If you weren't a scientist, what would you be?
A politician
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Manu Bayaz. I like coastal Bango music
What's your favourite food?
Rice and Beans with a coconut flavour - "Wali na maharagwe ya nazi"
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Speedboat riding at the coast.
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
More money, Funding for my projects, Get a PhD
Tell us a joke.
Students were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The Nun made a note, "Take only one, God is watching." At the other end of the table was a large pile of cookies. Moving through the line a student wrote another note to leave by the cookies, "Take all you want, God is watching the apples." Guess what happened!!!!
My Comments