
Evelyn Kabia
Candidate CV questions (extra)
Tetu Girls Primary School in Nyeri; high school at Bishop Gatimu Ngandu Girls High School in Karatina; Degree at the University of Nairobi; Diploma at The Kenya Insitute of Management
A Degree in Nursing and a Diploma in Project Management
Work History:
2014/2015: Nurse intern at Kiambu District Hospital; 2015: Nurse with Partners for Health and Development In Africa and a Research Assistant with the National Council for Population and Development; 2016: Project Assistant at Amref Health Africa In Kenya.
Current Job:
Assistant Research Officer
KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Nairobi
Favourite thing to do in my job: Travelling across the country interviewing different people.
About Me
I love research because I get the opportunity to work and meet different people as I work on different projects and socially, I love going for nature trails, cycling and a little bit of dancing.
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I live in Kiambu and my house is on the fifth floor of the apartment. This gives me a beuatiful view of Nairobi city including landmarks such as KICC, Times Towers and the Airport;the view becomes more magnificient at night with the beutiful street lights. I love reading inspirational books and books that enhance my knowledge on how to manage my finances. I also attend similar talks and conferences as well because I believe that knowledge is power. I am also a member of the League of Young Professionals Book Club where we read a book every month and meet to discuss how we can apply the key insights from the books to our daily lives. Over the weekends I love going for nature walks and cycling at Karura Forest and I also love watching action movies at home as I enjoy a bowl of popcorn and once in a while I watch trending movies at Imax.
My work
I do research that focuses on finding ways to make sure that people with low income get good quality and affordable health services.
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I am a member of the the Health Economics Research Unit at KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme in Nairobi. I am doing a project which involves interviewing people with low incomes and finding out their experiences and the challenges they face when getting health services that the government provides for free. I also conduct some research on the challenges that disabled women with low income face when getting health services. In addition to that I also talk to people at the Ministry of Health, NHIF, and hospital managers to find ways in which healthcare can be improved especially for people with low income in Kenya.
My Typical Day
I read various journal articles and literature to improve my knowledge on upcoming trends in my area of research. I also analyse the interviews I have conducted and write reports which are published in international journals to inform people in Kenya and around the world on how health care can be improved.
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When am at the office, a typical day entails analysing interviews that I have conducted for my research work and this involves using certain computer soft wares. After am done with the analysis, I write reports about what I found out from my research and what can be done to improve health care and these reports are published in international journals and presented at scientific conferences. I also attend seminars, training workshops and scientific conferences. Sometimes I go for fieldwork in various places around the country talking to different people to find out their experiences with health services offered at hospitals and to find out how healthcare in Kenya can be improved.
What I'd do with the money
I will donate the money to various schools to support similar programmes such as “I am Scientist get me out of here” and forums for engaging with the youth to discuss various career opportunities available to them in the fields of science and research.
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I am strong advocate of mentorship because it supports young people in identifying their areas of interest in their studies, career and life. I will donate the money to various schools to support similar programmes such as “I am Scientist get me out of here” and forums for engaging with the youth to discuss various career opportunities available to them in the fields of science and research. Mentorship provides the support needed to encourage young people to engage with science and aspire to join a career in research.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Honest, Encouraging, Creative
What was your favourite subject at school?
What did you want to be after you left school?
An electrical engineer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Yes! I overslept, was late for preps and was made to wash the corridor outside the teachers staffroom
If you weren't a scientist, what would you be?
An interior designer
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Flavour. I like that he is proud of his culture (especially the african "kitenge" attire) and its evident in the videos.
What's your favourite food?
Mukimo and avocado
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Zip lining at Keraita forest. I loved the adrenaline rush.
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To get scholarships to study my masters and PhD in the UK, to become a brilliant scientist in the world, to own a Ford Ranger
Tell us a joke.
If a red house is made from red bricks, a blue house from blue bricks, a pink house from pink bricks and a black house from black bricks, what is a green house made from?..............................Answer: Green houses are made form glass or Polyethylene Plastic Sheets and not " green bricks" :-) :-)
Work photos:
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