• Question: what causes male infertility

    Asked by 935orange33 to Nelson on 17 May 2018.
    • Photo: Nelson Kibinge

      Nelson Kibinge answered on 17 May 2018:

      A man’s fertility generally relies on the quantity and quality of his sperm. If the number of sperm a man ejaculates is low or if the sperm are of a poor quality, it will be difficult, and sometimes impossible, for him to cause a pregnancy.

      Male infertility is usually caused by problems that affect either sperm production or sperm transport. Through medical testing, the doctor may be able to find the cause of the problem.

      Blockages in the tubes that facilitate sperm transport is one cause of infertility. Other causes may include homornal production problems e.g in the pituitary glands. Another less known cause of infertility is the presence of sperm antibodies that cause the sperms to be eliminated by the body (This may be due to various known and unknown reasons)
